Dinas Island


Dinas IslandCampsite

The campsite is now closed for 2024 and we look forward to welcoming you back to Dinas Island May 2025

However, our Cottages will stay open throughout the year and both Workshop and Dinas Island cottage will be available throughout the winter with a no nightly minimum nightly stay

please e-mail your enquiries/ provisional bookings for cottages and 2025 camping dates to lyndaperkins@live.co.uk and we will get back to you as soon as we can

*NB Pitches will be allocated to guests on arrival and unfortunately we are no longer able to reserve specific pitches on request

many thanks

 Neil, Lynda & family x

Situated on Dinas Head , the campsite is accessed from Pwllgwaelod beach and is within a 10 minute walk of both Pwllgwaelod and Cwm-yr-Eglwys beaches and the famous Pembrokeshire Coast Path which, provides a beautiful walk around the outside of the headland.

The site is a 20 minute drive from Fishguard Harbour and an ideal place to stop over on the way to or from the ferry port

With spectacular views over Newport Bay and the Preseli Hills our small, relaxed, friendly, campsite offers you electric hook up points, a separate shower and toilet block, undercover washing up area and a chemical waste disposal point and a small onsite shop supplying basics

Dinas Head Coastal Walk

Some Views from the campsite:

Newport Bay
Preselli Hills
Camping Field

Campsite facilities:


Our small friendly campsite offers a small toilet block with separate facilities for male and female with two toilets and two sinks in each,  a shower block with 4 individual showers, and an indoor washing up area with a washing machine, microwave and fridge freezer. We also have facilities for the disposal of chemical waste and grey water for camper vans and caravans

On site small shop stocked with local produce from our neighbouring farmers including Milk, Eggs, Meat, Lynda’s cakes and other basic essentials and of course a selection of our wool

The site offers some views towards the Preseli Hills and across Newport Bay. A short walk down the private farm drive takes you to Pwllgwaelod beach and the Old Sailors pub and restaurant and the start of the coastal path around Dinas Head or to Fishguard , alternatively we have a private woodland walk which takes you to Cwm-yr-Eglwys beach and the coast path to Newport and beyond.

NEW FOR 2024 Wool Spinning workshop – We now offer the opportunity for our guests to participate in a wool spinning workshop, using the fleeces from our own sheep here on Dinas Island, guests are given the chance to spin the fleeces into wool ready for knitting, crocheting etc or whatever they wish to create.  Workshops held every Thursday afternoon depending on enough numbers, each session last around 3.5-4 hours, all equipment provided £50/head, if you wish to book a space or would like some more information, please let Lynda know at time of booking or on arrival





 *NB        The access to the campsite is along a private concrete single track road


                Because of our unique location and distance from the mains supply, our water pressure can be slow when                  filling large on board water tanks, although it is 2 bar above the legal limit that welsh water have to supply


                We do not offer facilities for drive over waste disposal for Motor homes





  • Caravans, tents and camper vans £20 per pitch/night for up to 2 people (please note that it is strictly 1 unit per pitch  and 1 car per pitch), if you have additional cars please notify at booking so arrangements can be made for off pitch parking)
  • Motorhomes £20/pitch/night for up to 2 people
  •  Small 1 man hiking tent pitches available on request £10/night (walking guests only no vehicles)
  • Additional persons £5/person/night 
  • Washing machine £3 per use
  • mobile phone charging £1 per phone
  • Log pit hire £5 
  • Logs available at £7/bag
  • Wool Spinning Workshop £50/head
  • Guests are welcome to arrive on site anytime between 1.30pm and 6.00pm (unless otherwise arranged) on day of arrival and kindly asked to depart by 11.30am on day of departure
  • Office open from 10am – 6.00pm daily (out of hours tel 07971 594103)

 Fire Pit Hire

Starter set: fire pit hire for duration of your stay, & 1 sack of logs £10

Fire pit only £5

Sack of logs £7 each

Charcoal £4


 We welcome well behaved dogs free of charge, but We kindly ask that:

 Dogs are kept under control at all times, they do not bark or make a nuisance to other guests whilst in the campsite and that they are not allowed to go to the toilet in the camping field, (please ask where you can walk your dog if you are not sure)


Sorry there is no use of drones permitted on the site or over the farmland







Directions: How to find us


Take the A487  Cardigan – Fishguard – Haverfordwest road, once in the Village of Dinas Cross turn at the sigh post for Pwllgwaelod, alongside the Ship Aground pub, right (if approaching from cardigan, left if approaching from Fishguard,) follow this road ALL the way to Pwllgwaelod beach once at the beach carry on straight do not turn into the car park!  and you will automatically come onto the farm drive,


Once at the campsite please park in the gateway of the camping field and walk down to check-in at the farmhouse (bottom red door) collect your pitch number as it can be difficult to turn around at the farmhouse


 NB * Pitches will only be confirmed once payment has been received. No refunds can be given unless the site is unable to host you. Adjusting dates of your trip will depend on availability and must be within the same holiday season as bookings can not be carried over to the following year.

Please e-mail your booking enquiry to :         lyndaperkins@live.co.uk
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































 BBQ’s and Camp Fires
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































BBQs and fire pits to be raised in order not to burn the ground
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































NB * Pitches will only be confirmed once payment has been received, pitches will be allocated on arrival by one of the campsite managers. No refunds can be given unless the site is unable to host you. Adjusting dates of your trip will depend on availability and must be within the same holiday season as bookings can not be carried over to the following year.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Any visitors to your pitch who are not staying on site MUST report to the farmhouse before entering the camping field in order for us to adhere to covid tracing regulations, anyone on site that is not permitted to be there or has not checked in will be kindly asked to leave.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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 *** Please note: We are a happy friendly relaxed campsite, we try our best to make your stay an enjoyable one, but we are on a working farm and day to day farming activities maybe taking place during your stay, ****
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































                                                                                                          Arrivals welcome from 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


















































































































































































                                                                                                THE RECEPTION WILL BE OPEN FROM 10AM DAILY
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































All camping fees are due in full on receipt of your booking conformation to confirm your pitch
































( Please do not drive caravans/camper vans down to the farmhouse to book in as it can be difficult to turn around)
































Four person and two person self catering cottages also available on site
(please see Dinas Island Cottage and The Old Workshop on the cottages page)
































































Directions: How to find us
















Take the A487  Cardigan – Fishguard – Haverfordwest road, once in the Village of Dinas Cross turn opposite the Mace mini market, alongside the Ship Aground pub ,right (if approaching from cardigan, left if approaching from Fishguard,) follow this road ALL the way to Pwllgwaelod beach, once at the beach carry on straight (do not turn into the car park) and you will automatically come onto the farm drive, the campsite entrance is at the top of the drive on the right before you come into the farmyard, once at the campsite please park in the gateway of the field and either phone or follow the road on foot down to the farmhouse (bottom red door) to check-in and collect your pitch number
















Thank You













































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  • Caravans, tents and camper vans £20 per pitch/night for up to 2 people (please note that only 1 car per pitch is permitted on site, if you have additional cars please notify at booking so arrangements can be made for off pitch parking)
  • Motorhomes £22/pitch/night for up to 2 people
  •  Small 1 man hiking tent pitches available on request £10/night
  • Additional persons £5/person/night 
  • Washing machine £3 per use
  • mobile phone charging £1 per phone
  • Log pit hire £5 per day or £20 per stay (logs available locally)
  • Visitors £4 per person per day (all visitors must check into reception on arrival and park in visitor parking and not in the camping field please anyone on site who has not checked in and details taken for traceability will be asked to leave the site


We welcome well behaved dogs free of charge, but

 We kindly ask that:

Dogs are to be kept under control at all times, they do not bark or make a nuisance to other guests whilst in the campsite and that they are not allowed to go to the toilet in the camping field, (please ask where you can walk your dog if you are not sure)








































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































 BBQ’s and Camp Fires
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































BBQs and fire pits to be raised in order not to burn the ground
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































NB * Pitches will only be confirmed once payment has been received, pitches will be allocated on arrival by one of the campsite managers. No refunds can be given unless the site is unable to host you. Adjusting dates of your trip will depend on availability and must be within the same holiday season as bookings can not be carried over to the following year.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Any visitors to your pitch who are not staying on site MUST report to the farmhouse before entering the camping field in order for us to adhere to covid tracing regulations, anyone on site that is not permitted to be there or has not checked in will be kindly asked to leave.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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 *** Please note: We are a happy friendly relaxed campsite, we try our best to make your stay an enjoyable one, but we are on a working farm and day to day farming activities maybe taking place during your stay, ****
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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1pm




































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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All camping fees are due in full on receipt of your booking conformation to confirm your pitch
















( Please do not drive caravans/camper vans down to the farmhouse to book in as it can be difficult to turn around)
















Four person and two person self catering cottages also available on site
(please see Dinas Island Cottage and The Old Workshop on the cottages page)
































Directions: How to find us








Take the A487  Cardigan – Fishguard – Haverfordwest road, once in the Village of Dinas Cross turn opposite the Mace mini market, alongside the Ship Aground pub ,right (if approaching from cardigan, left if approaching from Fishguard,) follow this road ALL the way to Pwllgwaelod beach, once at the beach carry on straight (do not turn into the car park) and you will automatically come onto the farm drive, the campsite entrance is at the top of the drive on the right before you come into the farmyard, once at the campsite please park in the gateway of the field and either phone or follow the road on foot down to the farmhouse (bottom red door) to check-in and collect your pitch number








Thank You
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Booking enquiries

The Campsite

L Perkins, Dinas Island Farm, Dinas, Newport,
Pembrokeshire SA42 0SE

telephone or text 07971 594103 07970 108320
Dinas Island Farm, Dinas, Newport, Pembrokeshire SA42 0SE